How To Clear/remove All Items In Page List Adapter
I'm using the android paging library to show search result items, is there any way I can clear/remove all the loaded result items, Calling Invalidate on live Paged List refreshing
Solution 1:
If you're working with PagingDataAdapter, searchAdapter.submitData(lifecycle, PagingData.empty())
Solution 2:
submitting null clear the currently loaded page list
Solution 3:
In Java:
I cleared all items on in PagedListAdapter by calling invalidate() on DataSource instance like that
Add this method in your ViewModel then call it in your activity
Then Load any data you want
You can see how I made it in my project.
Here is the Link:
Solution 4:
In Fragment
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.currentResult = null
viewModel.getSearchAudio(binding.etxtSearch.text.toString().trim(), 0).collectLatest { it ->
Log.v(mTAG, "Status: New record")
In ViewModel
var currentResult: Flow<PagingData<AudioModel>>? = nullfungetSearchAudio(trackName: String, lastPageCount: Int): Flow<PagingData<AudioModel>> {
val lastResult = currentResult
if (lastResult != null) {
return lastResult
val newResult: Flow<PagingData<AudioModel>> = videoRepository.getAudioSearchPaging(trackName, lastPageCount).cachedIn(viewModelScope)
currentResult = newResult
return newResult
In videoRepository
fungetAudioSearchPaging(trackName: String, lastPageCount: Int): Flow<PagingData<AudioModel>> {
return Pager(
config = PagingConfig(pageSize = KeyConstants.AUDIO_PAGE_SIZE, enablePlaceholders = false),
pagingSourceFactory = { AudioSearchPagingSource(context, trackName, lastPageCount) },
Solution 5:
Before invalidate, clear your list data item. Like we did in simple way:
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