Extract Yaw, Pitch, And Roll From A Rotationmatrix
I have a sensor manager that returns a rotationMatrix based on the devices Magnetometer and Accelerometer. I have been trying to also calculate the yaw pitch and roll of the user'
Solution 1:
I believe Blender's answer is not correct, since he gave a transformation from Rotation matrix to Euler angles (z-x-z extrinsic), and Roll Pitch Yaw are a different kind of Euler angles (z-y-x extrinsic).
The actual transformation formula would rather be:
Feedback : this implementation revealed to lack numerical stability near the singularity of the representation (gimbal lock). Therefore on C++ I recommend using Eigen library with the following line of code:
(More details here)
Solution 2:
Yaw, pitch and roll correspond to Euler angles. You can convert a transformation matrix to Euler angles pretty easily:
Solution 3:
Sensor Manager provides a SensorManager.getOrientation to get all the three angle.
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