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Error: "to Use The Controller, Please Upgrade To A Version Of Unity With The Gvr Native Integration"

I followed these instructions but instead of the Technical Preview I installed 5.6 beta. I have Pixel XL and so connected my Daydream controller instead of a phone with emulator. W

Solution 1:

  1. Install the latest version of Unity 5.6
  2. Download the latest SDK
  3. Import the SDK into Unity, make sure you are set to build to Android, and in Edit>ProjectSettings>Player make sure virtual reality is supported and Daydream is added to the list.

To debug the controller in editor, use the controller emulator:

That message is also the default text in the DemoInputManager prefab (it probably should not be) - which may mean you have errors in your scene, causing DemoInputManager to fail to update. If you have done everything above, you can safely ignore that message.

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