Duplicate Class Contained In The Libs Of Android Project
When I was trying to use Android Studio to debug my project, I got the following error, Class com.google.ads.AdRequest.Gender has already been added to output. Please remove duplic
Solution 1:
You can try using Gradle's exclude
mechanism when setting up the DatawindAdsSdk-2.0 dependency. There are docs available, but it will probably look something like this:
dependencies {
compile files('libs/datawindAdsSdk-2.0.jar') {
exclude group: 'com.google.ads'
experiment with that and see if you can get it working.
Solution 2:
But I came to this post via google and I read this post has the same problem as me. I solved it excluding the group and the whole library. In my case the problem was with an animatorListener.
compile ('com.rengwuxian.materialedittext:library:1.8.2'){
exclude group: 'com.nineoldandroids', module: 'library'
This is my post duplicate library gradle animatorlistener duplicate
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