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Cast Error With Firebaserecyclerviewadapter

So I have a RecycleView that I'm to fill with a FirebaseRecyclerViewAdapter. I'm following this example: I'm get

Solution 1:

You should have really placed more of the error on your post. It would have shown where the issue was happening. However, I will try to make an educated guess after looking at he source for FirebaseRecyclerViewAdapter.

The issue appears to be with the layout that you passes to the adapter, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1. The adapter expects a layout that is wrapped by a subclass of ViewGroup, such as a LinearLayout, FrameLayout or some other type of Layout. android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 is implemented like this:

<TextView xmlns:android=""
    android:minHeight="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeightSmall" />

As you can see, the TextView is not wrapped inside of a Layout. The quickest way to fix the error would be to create your own layout, with a TextView inside of a FrameLayout like so:

<FrameLayoutxmlns:android=""android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"><TextViewandroid:id="@android:id/text1"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceListItemSmall"android:gravity="center_vertical"android:paddingStart="?android:attr/listPreferredItemPaddingStart"android:paddingEnd="?android:attr/listPreferredItemPaddingEnd"android:minHeight="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeightSmall" /></FrameLayout>

You would then pass the layout you created to the adapter. Lets call it my_simple_list_item_1.xml, which you would pass to the adapter as R.layout.my_simple_list_item_1.

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