Android Listview Custom Header
Solution 1:
You can add a Header View to your list, using the following code,
Viewheader= getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.header, null);
ListViewlistView= getListView();
setListAdapter(newArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice,, names));
But for this, you need to define layour for the Header View, check this Link Android ListActivity with a header or footer
Edit- As per comment, I would like to mention that, It is not a good practice to use a ListView
inside a ScrollView
. The best possible solution, I found so far is to add HeaderView
to your ListView
. It would be better if the OP could mention, what problems he is facing with the HeaderView
If you want a scrollable header, you should definitely go with the HeaderView. But if you want to have a static header above the ListView, you could use a TextView as a Heading of the ListView.
Solution 2:
you can add static header in layout I mean the layout where you have scrollview above that add a linear layout for static header go through this question it will help you
Solution 3:
If you don't want that your list having a horizontal scrollview so you can create a Xml layout with horizontal linear layout(same as your list Layout) then include it at the top of your listview layout but if you want it horizontally srcollable so you have two choice : one is what you mention as addheader view and second is a Custom ScrollView which you can find a good solution here
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