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Android Emulator Does Not Work On Ubuntu After Upgrading Android Studio To 2.0 - Qt Library Not Found

Today, I updgraded my Android Studio installation to version 2.0. I updated it manually (download the .zip, because the update mechanism just telled me that there is a new version

Solution 1:

I got the same problem. It may be occur due to your 64bit linux didn't match to the avd you installed. Try copy 'lib' folder from your Android sdk location -> ../Android/Sdk/tools/lib64/qt/lib to ../Android/Sdk/tools/lib/qt/lib It worked for me.

Solution 2:

Finally I've managed it. While testing from command line (-gpu off), it does not seem to work, but when I use the Virtual Device Manager and choose "Emulated Performance - Graphics --> Software - GLES 2.0" instead of "Hardware - GLES 2.0", the emulator starts. Unfortunately, it a bit slower now, and I wonder why it worked before the upgrade, but my emulators are running for now.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem when i updated to Android Studio 2.0

You need to upgrade gradle to work with instant run..

Go to and download the latest version of gradle

Unzip gradle inside this folder C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle

Go to Android Studio File/Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Build Tools then gradle

Click use local gradle distribution and point to the the latest version of graddle you unzipped

Solution 4:

I hope this will solve your problem. I had a freshly installed latest Android Studio and perform all basic steps to run a 'Hello World' project in emulator but had a same problem while running emulator from avd manager. After that i tried running emulator from command line also but faced same problem. After long debugging i came to find out that it was missing some core library, and then solved the problem by selecting checkbox and install emulator from Android Studio Options. Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android Emulator

And click Apply and Run project again. Now its working like a charm.Sample Screenshot

Solution 5:

I had the same problem trying to start the emulator on a Jenkins Job in a MacOS machine. After some search i noticed that the QT libraries were being required from the tools folder while their real location was the emulator folder. Making a link as described below solves the problem:

ln -s <SDKROOTPATH>/emulator/lib64 <SDKROOTPATH>/tools/lib64

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