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Warning: Dangling Javadoc Comment

Since I updated my Android Studio (2.3.1) and build tools (2.3.1), I'm getting warning, Warning: Dangling Javadoc comment for comments like, /** set name with format, {@Link FORM

Solution 1:

It looks like you are using a Javadoc comment when you call the method setNameText. Javadoc comments are to be inserted above a class declaration, a method declaration, or a field declaration.

If you simply want a comment when calling the method, use the one-line comment: // get formatted name based on {@link FORMAT_NAME}.

Solution 2:

You are using Javadoc format which starts with /** instead of a block comment format which starts with /* .

To alleviate that warning, always start your comments inside the methods with /* not /**.

Solution 3:

In case it helps someone else, make sure you didn't sneak your JavaDoc between the method/class definition and any annotations you had on that definition.

Solution 4:

You may just turn it off in page "File-Settings-Editor-Inspections-Java-Javadoc issues-Dangling Javadoc comment".

Solution 5:

Just replace "Dangling Javadoc Comment" with block comment.

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