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Unable To Get Current Gps Location Co-ordinates

I have been trying hard to get my current location's GPS co-ordinates but my app never locks on to a GPS satellite. The GPS icon in the notification area just keeps on blinking. Wh

Solution 1:

It seams pretty obvious that you won't get any Location updates, because you have set the minDistance to 50 meters or 164.042 ft. It appears you have confused this with accuracy.

The minDistance parameter is the minimum distance between location updates. So you would have to move at least 50 meters to get a location update.

Also make sure you have a clear view of the sky in order to have GPS signal.

Read more in the documentation

Solution 2:

I asked a related question here.

To me looks like your GPS on the phone is not able to see the sat's. You need to get our of your office/home onto open air. In my case, I moved to NetworkProvider since GPS was just too clumsy.

Also note, that the parameters you give for distance and time are not literal, its the best guess that the api makes. So dont count on response times/distances from the API callback.

Solution 3:

Do you have all these manifest permissions?







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