Rfid Reader For Mobile Devices
Solution 1:
Before you start any work please familiarize yourself with this:
and this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_14223
RFIDs for animals are completely different protocol than NFC. It is more like UNIQUE tags (125kHz) . Anyway above ISO standards will be a good starting point for you.
Solution 2:
Android have native support for NFC, you don't need any bluetooth adapter or anything else:
Not all devices have it, but the major ones do have (e.g. galaxy nexus, nexus 4, galaxy S3, HTC One) and it works nice.
Solution 3:
Passive RFID tags primarily operate at three frequency ranges:
Low Frequency (LF) 125 -134 kHz
High Frequency (HF)13.56 MHz
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 856 MHz to 960 MHz
Smartphones today often support HF RFID
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