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Recyclerview Expandable Cardview

I make small project with RecyclerView with CardView items inside. I created expandable card (expanded by pressing on small button inside the card). Each card always contain visibl

Solution 1:

What tecnique are you using in order to do that?

I was in the same situation but for me the problem were these functions ExpandAndCollapseViewUtil.expand() and ExpandAndCollapseViewUtil.collapse() from this tutorial Diseño Android: Tarjetas con CardView so I didn't use it. Instead of that I just show/hide the view of the cardview without any animation.

Solution 2:

You can use this lib instance your self developed way, try this:

STEP 1: Add below dependency to your build.gradle file:

**compile'com.github.traex.expandablelayout:library:1.2.2'** use instead of

STEP 2: Add below View to Your card layout ,card_layout Must be look like this:


STEP 3: In your define of RecyclerView remember to:


Feel free to Ask :-)

Solution 3:

I had the same problem and solved it by putting following code (Kotlin) in the ViewHolder

if (expandableView.isVisible) {
        val recyclerView = containerView?.parent as RecyclerView

As you see before scroll to a position I notified the adapter that the item on this position was changed. And I only do this if the view became visible

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