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Notificationlistenerservice Not Reading Text Of Stacked Notifications

I hope this doesn't violate any rule as I've tried following the How-to-ask guide. I'm trying to read incoming notifications using NotificationListenerService and it works for me b

Solution 1:

If you're working with Android 7.0+, WhatsApp uses MessageStyle Expanded Notifications. Here -

To retrieve all 5 messages from a notification like

MyFriend (5 messages)

Do this:

Bundleextras= mysbn.getNotification().extras;
        Parcelable b[] = (Parcelable[]) extras.get(Notification.EXTRA_MESSAGES);

        if(b != null){
            content = "";
            for (Parcelable tmp : b){

                BundlemsgBundle= (Bundle) tmp;
                content = content + msgBundle.getString("text") + "\n";

                /*Set<String> io = msgBundle.keySet(); // To get the keys available for this bundle*/


Solution 2:

I dont know if i missunderstood you, but i've a code that get's whatsapp notifications stacked and shows on logcat one by one, only problem that i'm having is that when i receive the first message, my text on logcat shows me null, and after the first, all incoming messages is working.

`public class NotificationService extends NotificationListenerService { Context context; @Override

publicvoidonCreate() {

        context = getApplicationContext();

    @OverridepublicvoidonNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) {

        String pack = sbn.getPackageName();
        String ticker = "";
        if (sbn.getNotification().tickerText != null) {
            ticker = sbn.getNotification().tickerText.toString();
        Bitmap bmp;
        Bundle extras;
        byte[] byteArrayS;
        String encoded = null;

        extras = sbn.getNotification().extras;
        Log.d("extras", extras.toString());

        String contato="";
        String texto = "";
        String search = "mensagens";
                  extras.getString("android.title").replace("Whatsapp ","");
                  Log.d("REPLACE","REPLACE CONCLUÍDO");

                  Log.d("MSG1","MENSAGEM NÃO AUTORIZADA");

            //TRATA AS NOTIFICAÇÕES FAZENDO COM QUE CADA MENSAGEM ENTRE DE UMA EM UMA DENTRO DA LISTA.if (extras.getCharSequence("android.text") != "") {
                if(extras.getString("android.summaryText")!= null) {
                    contato = extras.getString("android.title");
                    texto = extras.getCharSequence("android.text").toString();
                    Log.d("TEXTO1", texto);
            if(extras.getCharSequenceArray(Notification.EXTRA_TEXT_LINES) != null){

                if (extras.get("android.textLines") != null) {
                    CharSequence[] charText = (CharSequence[]) extras
                    if (charText.length > 0) {
                        texto = charText[charText.length - 1].toString();


        if (texto != "") {


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