Json With Dynamic Keys While Using Retrofit In Android
Solution 1:
If you are using the Retrofit then you can directly parse this into some model let's say TestModel based on your requirement call something like this.
@GET("your endpoint")
Call<TestModel> getTestData();
and here you will get data
.enqueue(newCallback<TestModel>() {
@OverridepublicvoidonResponse(final Call<TestModel> call, final Response<TestModel> response) {
if (response.code()==200){
//handle the responseTestModeltestModel= response.body();
//handle the error
@OverridepublicvoidonFailure(final Call<TestModel> call, final Throwable t) {
if you are getting data in JSON object then do like this.
private TestModel getTestModel(JsonObject jsonObject){
TestModeltestModel= gson.fromJson(jsonObject,TestModel.class);
return testModel;
and if you are getting data in String then parse into Json object then call above method here is how you can convert string into json object.
and most important your TestModel should be like this below for both the cases.
publicclassTestModel {
@SerializedName("Meta Data")
@ExposeprivateMetaModel mMetaModel;
publicMetaModelgetMetaModel() {
return mMetaModel;
publicvoidsetMetaModel(final MetaModel metaModel) {
mMetaModel = metaModel;
publicMap<String, TimeModel> getTimeModel() {
return mTimeModel;
publicvoidsetTimeModel(final Map<String, TimeModel> timeModel) {
mTimeModel = timeModel;
@SerializedName("Time Series (1min)")
@ExposeprivateMap<String,TimeModel> mTimeModel;
@SerializedName("1. Information")
@ExposeprivateString _1Information;
@SerializedName("2. Symbol")
@ExposeprivateString _2Symbol;
@SerializedName("3. Last Refreshed")
@ExposeprivateString _3LastRefreshed;
@SerializedName("4. Interval")
@ExposeprivateString _4Interval;
@SerializedName("5. Output Size")
@ExposeprivateString _5OutputSize;
@SerializedName("6. Time Zone")
@ExposeprivateString _6TimeZone;
publicStringget_1Information() {
return _1Information;
publicvoidset_1Information(final String _1Information) {
this._1Information = _1Information;
publicStringget_2Symbol() {
return _2Symbol;
publicvoidset_2Symbol(final String _2Symbol) {
this._2Symbol = _2Symbol;
publicStringget_3LastRefreshed() {
return _3LastRefreshed;
publicvoidset_3LastRefreshed(final String _3LastRefreshed) {
this._3LastRefreshed = _3LastRefreshed;
publicStringget_4Interval() {
return _4Interval;
publicvoidset_4Interval(final String _4Interval) {
this._4Interval = _4Interval;
publicStringget_5OutputSize() {
return _5OutputSize;
publicvoidset_5OutputSize(final String _5OutputSize) {
this._5OutputSize = _5OutputSize;
publicStringget_6TimeZone() {
return _6TimeZone;
publicvoidset_6TimeZone(final String _6TimeZone) {
this._6TimeZone = _6TimeZone;
@SerializedName("1. open")
@ExposeprivateString _1Open;
@SerializedName("2. high")
@ExposeprivateString _2High;
@SerializedName("3. low")
@ExposeprivateString _3Low;
@SerializedName("4. close")
@ExposeprivateString _4Close;
@SerializedName("5. volume")
@ExposeprivateString _5Volume;
publicStringget_1Open() {
return _1Open;
publicvoidset_1Open(final String _1Open) {
this._1Open = _1Open;
publicStringget_2High() {
return _2High;
publicvoidset_2High(final String _2High) {
this._2High = _2High;
publicStringget_3Low() {
return _3Low;
publicvoidset_3Low(final String _3Low) {
this._3Low = _3Low;
publicStringget_4Close() {
return _4Close;
publicvoidset_4Close(final String _4Close) {
this._4Close = _4Close;
publicStringget_5Volume() {
return _5Volume;
publicvoidset_5Volume(final String _5Volume) {
this._5Volume = _5Volume;
the key point is if we give retrofit with Map<K,V>
it will parse this into model automatically if the model is just like in JSON.
Solution 2:
If you want to manually parse JsonString, follow below code:
JSONObjectobject = newJSONObject(jsonString);
Map<String, Object> metaDataMap = toMap(object.getJSONObject("Meta Data"));
Map<String, Object> timeSeriesMap = toMap(object.getJSONObject("Time Series (1min)"));
publicMap<String, Object> toMap(JSONObjectobject) throws JSONException {
Map<String, Object> map = newTreeMap<String, Object>(); // TreeMap(for getting data in sorted order[Ascending])Iterator<String> keysItr = object.keys();
while(keysItr.hasNext()) {
String key = keysItr.next();
Object value = object.get(key);
if(value instanceofJSONObject) {
value = toMap((JSONObject) value);
map.put(key, value);
return map;
publicvoid displayMap(Map<String, Object> myMap) {
Iteratoriterator = myMap.entrySet().iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry mentry = (Map.Entry)iterator.next();
System.out.println("key is: "+ mentry.getKey() + " & Value is: " + mentry.getValue());
key is:1.Information&Value is:Intraday(1min)pricesandvolumeskey is:2.Symbol&Value is:MSFTkey is:3.LastRefreshed&Value is:2017-12-01 16:00:00key is:4.Interval&Value is:1minkey is:5.OutputSize&Value is:Compactkey is:6.TimeZone&Value is:US/Easternkey is:2017-12-01 15:58:00&Value is: {1.open=84.2800, 2.high=84.3000, 3.low=84.2400, 4.close=84.2550, 5.volume=139520}
key is:2017-12-01 15:59:00&Value is: {1.open=84.2500, 2.high=84.2600, 3.low=84.2000, 4.close=84.2000, 5.volume=175169}
key is:2017-12-01 16:00:00&Value is: {1.open=84.2000, 2.high=84.2600, 3.low=84.1800, 4.close=84.2000, 5.volume=3311341}
Solution 3:
I think this might help you:
JSONObject timeJsonObject = mainObject.getJSONObject("Time Series (1min)");
Iterator<String> keysItr = timeJsonObject.keys();
while (keysItr.hasNext()) {
String key = keysItr.next();
//now here you get key as : 2017-12-01 16:00:00//do here code as:JSONObject individualObject = timeJsonObject.getJSONObject(key);
String openTime = individualObject.getString("1. open");
String highTime = individualObject.getString("1. high");
String lowTime = individualObject.getString("1. low");
String closeTime = individualObject.getString("1. close");
String volumeTime = individualObject.getString("1. volumne");
Here "while-loop" iterates for all keys for "2017-12-01 16:00:00,2017-12-01 15:59:00,2017-12-01 15:58:00" and so on. It will iterate for how many keys will added in this section.
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