Issue With Finding Gradle Built Project
Solution 1:
You'll have better luck if you upgrade to new versions of everything:
- Android Studio 0.4.3.
Android Gradle plugin 0.8. You'll have to edit the
in your build.gradle to:classpath ''
Gradle 1.10. You'll have to edit the
in your gradle/wrapper/ to:distributionUrl=http\://
Download the 19.0.1 Android SDK Build Tools in the SDK Manager and instuct the build to use them with this in your build.gradle:
buildToolsVersion '19.0.1'
There's a bug that was fixed in Android Studio 0.4.3 that I think is the cause of it not seeing the classes in your actionbarpulltorefresh library; the new version of the plugin and Gradle will be necessary for your project to work in 0.4.3. If you upgrade Android Studio it should detect the old versions of the plugin and Gradle and offer to change them for you, but if it doesn't, then you can edit by hand. It won't offer to update the build tools version; you'll have to do that yourself.
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