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How To Tell When Gradle Is Being Run From Androidstudio?

I need to build some hacks into my gradle build file so that Android Studio understands some things. I don't need these hacks when I run the build from the command line directory.

Solution 1:

With AndroidStudio 2.1.1, you can use the idea.platform.prefix property:

defsysprops= System.getProperties()
if (sysprops['idea.platform.prefix'] != null) {
    // Built from AndroidStudio
} else {
    // Built from command line

Solution 2:

Use gradle -P blah=val from command line and in your build.gradle use project.hasProperty("blah") or project.getProperty("test") or if (blah ... ) to decide whether run your hack or not.


OK I found the direct way :)

defenv= System.getProperties()
if (env[''] != null) {
    // build from Android Studio, do magic here

Solution 3:

Jake Wharton suggests android.injected.invoked.from.ideto speed butterknife at development time by using reflection:

dependencies {
  if (properties.containsKey('android.injected.invoked.from.ide')) {
    implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-reflect:<version>'
  } else {
    implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:<version>'
    kapt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:<version>'

From Twitter:

Hey ButterKnife users: I'm working on a reflection-based implementation for use during development so the annotation processor is not needed.

A follow-up:

What is this? A property from (link:

The answer we want:

No it's added by the IDE

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