How To Reference A String-array Resource With A String That Is The Id?
Apologies for the terrible title, but couldn't think of a better one. So I have numerous string-array's in my strings.xml file. I want to be able to reference this by passing my in
Solution 1:
Not sure why you wanna do this, but you can pass the int ID directly:
Intent intent = newIntent(Main.this, Categories.class);
intent.putExtra("category", R.array.Categories); //R.array.Categories is an int valuestartActivity(intent);
int myArrayID = bundle.getIntExtra("category", 0);
myArray = getResources().getStringArray(myArrayID)));
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Not much of an answer, but that is correct: see getStringArray. You will want to cast it correctly, but otherwise you got it right.
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