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How To Implement Push Notification For Xamarin Android

I tried to follow the tutorial: Push notifications to Xamarin.Android (the iOS part works already) But I get the following error at build time: The 'ProcessGoogleServicesJson' tas

Solution 1:

So I'm not quite sure why I got that error. But after updating visual studio from v15.7.1 to v15.7.2 the error was gone. It could be, that a restart of visual studio was the solution? In the tutorial it say's you have to restart vs if you can't select the Build Action "GoogleServiceJson". Perhaps you have to restart it anyway.

For android:name="${applicationId}" I used the same as in "package" out of the "manifest" line in the AndroidManifest.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><manifestxmlns:android=""android:versionCode="3"android:versionName="1.2"package="com.xxxxx.ServiceToolStandard"android:installLocation="auto">
<applicationandroid:label="ServiceToolStandard"android:icon="@drawable/icon"><receiverandroid:name=""android:exported="false" /><receiverandroid:name=""android:exported="true"android:permission=""><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="" /><actionandroid:name="" /><categoryandroid:name="com.xxxxx.ServiceToolStandard" /></intent-filter></receiver></application>

Now I can build and run the application. Also the push notifications from the Azure-"Test send" are received correctly.

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