How To Do A Get Request Using Retrofit2?
I have a restfull web service which is running on a localhost. I would like to make a retrofit2 GET request on that rest URL. private void requestData() {
Solution 1:
Your baseurl contains /users in the end.It should be removed as it will be received by the app from the inerface @GET("/users") Your baseUrl should be
and in interface
publicinterfaceGetUserListAPI {
Call<List<UserPojo>> getUsersList();
Solution 2:
If you are getting 404 error its not associated with the retrofit, its backend issue. Is that webservice is currently active one? But i found another issue in your request, which is that
and in Retrofit interface you have declared
So the combined URL will result in
Which is not correct, you should only declare your base url in the string and service names in retrofit interface methods.
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