How To Create An Android 2d Game?
Solution 1:
You have multiple options, you can either go for AndEngine (which to me seemed extremely underdocumented and random), make your own "native" Android game with extending from a SurfaceView (which isn't impossible but it certainly doesn't make your life easy, especially when handling images and especially sound, but here's a setup for it: Using a custom SurfaceView and thread for Android game programming (example)), and there's LibGDX.
I personally recommend LibGDX, I even made a fairly simple 4-player multiplayer game in it and it certainly was not difficult. I'd recommend the following tutorial on how to get to it:
And the basics are the following:
When you create a project, the first thing you want to do is change the
so you'll have access to thesetScreen(Screen)
delegation function, so that you can seperate the display and logic of your game into Screens.You want to handle elapsed time in your Screen, which is done as the following: How to track time in Libgdx(android)
You probably want to make a menu, which of course can be done with pretty pictures and BitmapFonts, but I'll point you to the
official wiki
( ) with that. You can use Scene2D, although I found it slightly difficult, so I personally made a menu made of rectangles, it worked fairly well: LibGDX - Custom Click Listener?A bit more "click oriented" guide on how I handled touch events using LibGDX:
- Afterwards, it's literally just implementing game logic, timers, data models, behavior.
The way I solved the stretching rather than using a StretchingViewport or the in-built cameras was the following:
publicstatic Texture texture;
publicstatic SpriteBatch batch;
publicstatic Matrix4 normalProjection;
publicstatic BitmapFont bitmapFont;
publicstatic ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer;
int width =;
int height =;
Resources.bitmapFont = new BitmapFont();
Resources.shapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer(); < 640 && height < 480) ? 2.5f : 6f);
//camera = new OrthographicCamera(1, h / w); //I didn't use this at all, 0,,;
Resources.batch = new SpriteBatch();
Resources.normalProjection = new Matrix4().setToOrtho2D(0, 0, 480, 320); //model is 480x320
privatestaticint appWidth = 480;
privatestaticint appHeight = 320;
publicstaticfloatgetCursorToModelX(int screenX, int cursorX)
return (((float)cursorX) * appWidth) / ((float)screenX);
publicstaticfloatgetCursorToModelY(int screenY, int cursorY)
return ((float)(screenY - cursorY)) * appHeight / ((float)screenY) ;
Make sure to dispose resources that need disposing, in the Game's dispose() callback.
Solution 2:
is not outdated and is, IMHO, the best way to program for android. The reason ist, that you can develop 99% on desktop (ofc think about the controlls, which won't be a keyboard on android) and then you have a working android app with a few lines only.
If you instead develop for android directly, you need to use the verry slow emulator or you have to send the app to a testphone, just to debug your code. This is a lot slower then debuging on desktop directly.
Libgdx is verry efficient, easy to use (as soon as you understan how it works) and has a verry good documentation.
For tutorials: I wrote an answer here on SO, which seemed to help some people. It is a short "tutorial" which shows only the verry basics and i have added the links to some tutorials which helped me learning it. So i hope it helps you to^^
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