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How Can I Customize The Header Layout Of A Dialog

In Android, is it possible to customize the header layout (the icon + a text) layout of a dialog? Or can I just set a custom string value of the title text? Thank you.

Solution 1:

It's possible to change the header of the Dialog if you set a custom layout for both the dialog and the header. I've only ever used this method to remove the header entirely, but this ought to work for a custom header:

dialog = newDialog(context);
Windowwindow = dialog.getWindow();
window.setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.my_custom_header);

This is all a tad more complicated (as you have to setup the dialog's layout as well) but it's easier than subclassing Dialog.

Solution 2:

the original Dialog class seems to lack the ability to set an icon, but you can easily extend AlertDialog and set a custom view (the same you would use for your Dialog instance), you just need something like this

classMyDialogextendsAlertDialog {
     publicMyDialog(Context ctx) {
        LayoutInflaterfactory= LayoutInflater.from(context);
        Viewview= factory.inflate(R.layout.dialog_layout, null);

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