Ffmpeg Command To Crop And Transpose Video Comes Out Zoomed In Bad Quality
I'm trying to convert an mp4 video with dimensions usually 960x720 into a sqaure 480:480 video but it comes out looking squished usually, the command is '-y -i %s -vf crop=480:480,
Solution 1:
You can try this (takes care of cropping AND downsizing)...
ffmpeg -i input.file -s 480x480 -vf crop=480:480,setdar=1:1,setsar=1:1 output.mp4
will set scale (video canvas area)
will crop from centre.. if you need from specific use: crop=480:480:pos-X:pos-Y
will set Display Aspect Ratio
will set Sample Aspect Ratio
Results: (screen grabbed MP4 stills via MPC-Home Cinema)
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