Classcastexception Linearlayout Layoutparams
Solution 1:
What's going on is that a view's LayoutParams are actually the type of the parent. In this case you're getting a FrameLayout$LayoutParams
because your LinearLayout is inside a FrameLayout.
Why is it the type of the parent? That's because they store information that's useful for the parent to lay them out. If you were to retrieve the layout parameters for the EditText or ListView you would get LinearLayout$LayoutParams
Solution 2:
Exception clearly states that you are trying to cast FrameLayout
to LinearLayout
. This occurs in onViewCreated()
method in file, line 184. So replace this:
LayoutParamslp= (LayoutParams) myView.getLayoutParams();
with this:
(LinearLayout.LayoutParams) myView.getLayoutParams();
Before you do that, you can hover your mouse pointer on LayoutParams
in your current code and see in bubble that it is in fact android.widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
hence your exception. See:
Solution 3:
There is another reason (or bug) for this exception:
If the view's ID is also being used in another layout, then it'll try to cast LayoutParams for the Parent views used in both layouts.
Answer : Dont use same id in different layouts :)
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