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Can't Run Android Application With Release Keystore

I developed a Simple Applicaiton , and generated a Google API Map key. I provided the api console with a signature created from the debug keystore. When I got ready for release , I

Solution 1:

The key shown in log in not valid kay to access Google Maps API. Please check that the kay is active or not.

Solution 2:

First of all create your fingerprint proper, using your signed apk keystore not debug.keystore.

Then generate map api key, there you must need to give your application's package name, example below:

Your SHA1 fingerprint; Your App Package Name(com.test) and click on generate new android key.

Be sure that you have activated Google map api v2 active .

It will generate a key, copy that key and put it in your project's Android manifest file in reaplace with your debug key. Then run it will work.

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