Android: Unable To Receive Gcm Messages/ Listener Not Being Called
Solution 1:
Simple answer is: not to worry! For the first time it is obvious to take some time! It is attributed to the synchronization that happens in the Google Servers.
Furthermore, if its Notifications it can take up to 15-28 min delay, because: The GCM framework part on the client phone use a TCP connection on the port 5228. This connection its used for push notifications, but as every tcp connection it can go on timeout with some routers/carriers that apply strict policies to kill inactive tcp connections (tcp idle timeout).
Most wifi routers kills inactive connections after 5 minutes for example, like mine.
The GCM framework use a keep-alive mechanism to send an heartbeat network packet every 15 minutes on wifi and every 28 minutes on 3G.
Solution 2:
You should write your package's name which is com.mutalminds.epaoa instead of .
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