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Android Ndk Library Is Not Loading On Runtime For Samsung Galaxy 4.0.2 Phones Only

I am trying to test my NDK programming on different phones. The same app runs on all other phones but on samsung 4.0.2 it just stops , throwing the below error. Am i missing any th

Solution 1:

There is a known bug on Android 4.0 with native libraries loading which may be the cause of your problem. I wrote a detailed blogpost on it if you want to dive into the details. Long story short:

I guess the library you're trying to use is compiled for different architectures (generally armeabi and armeabi-v7a, respectively stored in libs/armeabi and libs/armeabi-v7a). On Android 4.0, the System.loadLibrary() method is messed up: when you try to load library, instead of searching for the native library in the folder corresponding to the architecture of the device, it loads the first library with name it finds in any libs subfolder, potentially loading the wrong architecture, which can cause such a crash.

The simplest workaround:

  • Give different names to the libraries depending on their architecture, for example for armeabi and for armeabi-v7a. That way, when using System.loadLibrary(), it can't get confused by the fact that several files have the same name.
  • Once this is done, the problem is that you must know which one of these two filenames to load with System.loadLibrary(), i.e. you must detect the architecture used by the device by yourself. There are several ways to do that: one of them is to use the android_getCpuFeatures() from the cpu-features.h file from native code (explained in the above blogpost), another is to parse the system /proc/cpuinfo file from Java (for example as explained here)

Hope this helps!

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