Android Broadcastreceiver And Android.intent.action.phone_state Event
Solution 1:
I believe the issue you are having is that the phone state changes twice, once when the phone rings, then, after you end the call, when the phone goes idle.
You only want this code to run once so the best way to do that is to add an additional check of the phone state to see if it is ringing, if the phone is ringing then end the call.
This can be accomplished by adding the following the check:
if (intent.getAction().equals(
"android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE")) {
Log.i("INFO", "Call Received");
String state = intent.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE);
if (state.equals(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_RINGING)) {
//your code here that starts with try block
Hope that helps
Solution 2:
you can try doing something like this as soon as the receiver starts:
Bundlebundle= nIntent.getExtras();
String phoneNr= bundle.getString("incoming_number");
if(null == phoneNr)
{ // this is outgoing call so bail outreturn;
Solution 3:
You cannot terminate incoming call using third party application due to android security reason. Check in "android application development cookbook" page number "164 "
Solution 4:
I know it's too late but I found a batter solution for this. This normally happens on 5.0 and 5.1. You cannot stop it from calling twice but you can have a universal check to do all your work at one point. And this solution universally work on all OS. Here is the code
publicvoidonReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Object obj = intent.getExtras().get("subscription");
long subId;
if(obj == null) {
subId = Long.MIN_VALUE; // subscription not in extras
} else {
subId = Long.valueOf(obj.toString()); // subscription is long or int
if(subId < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// hurray, this is called only once on all operating system versions!
for more info check this link.
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