Adb Server Can't Start Android
Solution 1:
I had this exact problem on my Vista x64 system. I solved it by doing the following: Ctrl-Alt-Del, start Task Manager, under Processes tab, check for "shuame_helper.exe". It was there from running RootGenius. I clicked End Process, then went back to the command prompt and entered adb start-server and it worked!
Solution 2:
Please follow below steps:-
- Go to run
- open command prompt
- get into your platform-tools under android sdk.
- now type command: adb kill-server
- then upon success type: adb start-server
Let me know if you still facing any issue..
Solution 3:
Try below step from DDMS in eclipse :
Solution 4:
So I had the same problem and failed in all the same ways as above:
adb kill-server followed by adb start-server
still resulted in the ADB server didn't ACK error.
The other common suggestion of using the task manager to kill the process also failed as it seemed that something restarted adb automatically? It would disappear for a second, then there were two adb processes ,then there was one again.
I restarted Windows in safe mode.
This ensured that adb wasn't started. Shut down and restart normally. Problem solved.
Just for good measure, I also updated eclipse and android at this point, but I think that the safe mode restart fixed it.
Give it a try when all else fails.
Solution 5:
When this happens I open Activity Monitor (on mac) or Task Manager (on windows) and look for the ADB process and force close it (sometimes there are more than one, close those to) and then press the Run button again in Android Studio or Eclipse.
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