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Preferencefragment.findpreference Always Returns Null

I'm currently trying to make a settings menu, that will show a MultiSelectListPreference, to select multiple contacts from your contact list. At this moment, I'm receiving an NullP

Solution 1:

Ok, i found what my problem was.

MultiSelectListPreferencemslp= (MultiSelectListPreference) findPreference("contactList"); 

returns NULL because


is not done at the start... so it didn't load my preferences in yet.

Solution 2:

You can solve this using




Solution 3:

In my case, I was trying to use findPreferences in onCreate of the enclosing PreferenceActivity. I moved it down to onCreate of the PreferenceFragment and it works fine.

Solution 4:

You can solve this by placing the all the content access functions inside the following fragment callback

@OverridepublicvoidonActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //Access the content here.

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