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Not Able To Open Pdf In New Activity

I'm using this github source for my project. I've a listview with 10 elements and 10 different PDFs in assets folder. In 1 activity, I'm using listview and onItemClickListener as s

Solution 1:

intent.putExtra(PdfViewerActivity.EXTRA_PDFFILENAME, getAssets() + "/dummy.pdf");

getAssets() returns an AssetManager. getAssets() + "/dummy.pdf" calls toString() on the AssetManager instance, and then appends /dummy.pdf to it. This is why you wind up with android.content.res.AssetManager@817d40c/dummy.pdf. toString() on AssetManager does not somehow magically give you a filesystem path to an asset... in part because assets are not files on the device.

How can I work around it?


  • Follow the instructions in that issue and copy the asset to a file, or

  • Modify that library to support an asset, or

  • Do not use that library, but use something else that does support displaying a PDF from an asset

FWIW, I have sample apps demonstrating the use of pdf.js and pdfium for displaying PDFs from assets.

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