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Json Parsing In Android Is Showing No Results,illegal Argument Exception,host Name May Not Be Null

This line of code is giving me errors : HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost('file:///android_asset/www/me.json'); instead of file,even if i use 'http://xyz......'); i still get erro

Solution 1:

create a jsonobject that holds the string then parse each item from this jsonObject like this:

MyResponse =

{"resp": {"status": true, "version": ...

code :

JSONObject json_main = newJSONObject(MyResponse);
JSONObject c = json_main.getJSONObject("resp");
final String status= c.getString("status");


how to work with this: {"resp": {"status": true, "version": "2.0"},"resp":{"status": true, "version": "3.0"}

JSONObject json_main = newJSONObject(MyResponse);   
    JSONArray main_arr = json_main.getJSONArray("resp");                                 for(int i = 0; i < main_arr.length(); i++)
      JSONObject c = main_arr.getJSONObject(i);
      final String status = c.getString("status ");

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I think the problem you have here is using the file:// protocol in your HTTP Post. I am not sure if thats valid (but then I am not a android guy). looks like you have that file in a 'www' folder so it must be a web-server of some kind. Why not access it using http:// protocol. Also you don't need post there. You can use HTTP Get just fine.

If you do want to access it using file , use a file reader to read file, something like this:

//Read text from fileStringBuildertext=newStringBuilder();

try {
    String line;

    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
catch (IOException e) {
    //You'll need to add proper error handling here

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