Dynamically Create / Draw Images To Put In Android View
I'm not sure I'm doing this the 'right' way, so I'm open to other options as well. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: I want a view which contains a graph. The graph should be d
Solution 1:
First off, it is never a waste of time writing code if you learned something from it. :-)
There is unfortunately still no support for drawing vector images in Android. So bitmap is what you get.
I think the bit you are missing is that you can create a Canvas any time you want to draw on a bitmap. You don't have to wait for onDraw to give you one.
So at some point (from onCreate, when data changes etc), create your own Bitmap of whatever size you want.
Here is some psuedo code (not tested)
Bitmap mGraph;
voidinit() {
// look at Bitmap.Config to determine config type
mGraph = newBitmap(width, height, config);
// use Canvas draw routines to draw your graph
// Then in onDraw you can draw to the on screen Canvas from your bitmap.protectedvoidonDraw(Canvas canvas) {
RectdstRect=newRect(0,0,viewWidth, viewHeight);
// do something creative here to pick the source rect from your graph bitmap// based on zoom and pan
// draw to the screen
canvas.drawBitmap(mGraph, sourceRect, dstRect, graphPaint);
Hope that helps a bit.
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