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Drawing A Polygon Over The Entire Map

I'm using Google Maps V2 for Android, and I need to draw a polygon over the entire map, then add a hole in a selected town. The purpose of this is to highlight specific areas of th

Solution 1:

I should work with:


Listpoints= Arrays.asList(newLatLng(90, -180),

newLatLng(-90+delta, -180+delta),

newLatLng(-90+delta, 0),

newLatLng(-90+delta, 180-delta),

newLatLng(0, 180-delta),

newLatLng(90-delta, 180-delta),

newLatLng(90-delta, 0),

newLatLng(90-delta, -180+delta),




options.fillColor(R.color.red_half_alpha); // 50% opacity red, for example #80FF0000


I hope you see where this code is going. It works fine with a android v2 map.

I think there are some problems with the floating point calculation. The other point is, if you look very carfully between Russia and America (e.g LatLng(0,180), LatLng(0,-180)) you will most likely see a very thin line.

This is your polygon.

PS: If you see holes in your map give a short heads up, how it worked out for you. I think many people have the same problem.

Solution 2:

Have a Try using this one

         new PolygonOptions()
        .add(new LatLng(85,90), new LatLng(85,0.1),
             new LatLng(85,-90), new LatLng(85,-179.9),
             new LatLng(0,-179.9), new LatLng(-85,-179.9),
             new LatLng(-85,-90), new LatLng(-85,0.1),
             new LatLng(-85,90), new LatLng(-85,179.9),
             new LatLng(0,179.9), new LatLng(85,179.9))

Solution 3:

Reading PolygonOptions, I think you should be able to do it by:

List points = Arrays.asList(new LatLng(90, -180),
   new LatLng(-90, -180),
   new LatLng(-90, 180),
   new LatLng(90, 180),
   new LatLng(90, 180));
PolygonOptions options = new PolygonOptions();
options.fillColor(#80FF0000); // 50% opacity red, for examplemap.addPolygon(options);

You have to specify a fill color, if you didn't do it. If you did, sorry, but I cannot guess the code that you haven't posted :)

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