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W/system: A Resource Failed To Call Release

As the title says. When using the console of AndroidStudio on my app it shows: W/System: A resource failed to call release. Sometimes it is said multiple times. I know what it mea

Solution 1:

The answer from @guest works, but you can achieve the exact same thing without resorting to reflection using Strict Mode. Specifically, something like:

StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new VmPolicy.Builder()

In general, strict mode can do much more for you though (see link above to doc), and all you need to do for a default setup is:

StrictMode.enableDefaults();  # <-- This includes warning on leaked closeables

To enable strict mode "as soon as possible" you can add either of the above code options to the constructor of your application class, e.g.:

publicclassMyAppextendsApplication {

    publicMyApp() {


Note that in addition to just creating the class above, you need to tell Android that you have created a custom application class in the AndroidManifest.xml (so that an instance of it gets created when your application process starts, instead of Android creating the default Application class). You need to add/modify the android:name attribute of the <application> tag to point to the fully resolved package path of your custom application class (MyApp in this case):


Solution 2:

This message comes from dalvik.system.CloseGuard. When debugging, you can set it up to create stack traces as you create resources, so that you can track down what objects aren't being closed.

It's not part of the framework API, so I'm using reflection to turn that on:

try {
            .getMethod("setEnabled", boolean.class)
            .invoke(null, true);
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {

more info:

Solution 3:

I don't think that you can get any more information out of Logcat.

The memory view of the Android Profiler is probably a good place to start. Looking at it while using your app should give you an idea of what actions cause memory to be allocated and not released. You can also select sections from the timeline and drill down to specific allocations by class.

Alternatively LeakCanary is a great library to detect memory leaks.

Solution 4:

Fixed it by removing a function call that called itself through another function thereby making an infinite loop of calls to itself

Solution 5:

Late answer, but it may be useful to someone else:

I faced the same error, but I forgot I had my VPN running in the background. Disconnecting the VPN did the trick for me. This is to say it may be due to resources unrelated to your app or IDE you may want to check, like an antivirus, VPN, etc.

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