Open Info Activity Without Closing Main Activity
Solution 1:
Can I open the InfoActivity without closing my MainActivity?
No, the InfoActivity will be called to the foreground and MainActivity in the background, because it will be in the state stopped
. The problem is if you fire the Intent in your InfoActivity like this, there will be a new instance of the MainActivity besides the old instance.
Add a flag to your Intent call to prevent a new instance of the MainActivity. Then it will be called from the stack.
private View.OnClickListeneronBackBtnClick=newView.OnClickListener() {
@OverridepublicvoidonClick(View v) {
Intentintent=newIntent(InfoActivity.this, MainActivity.class);
Or simple call finish()
, like hamad and Aerrow suggested. Then the InfoActivity will be destroyed and the MainActivity will be called from the stack.
Solution 2:
start info activity using
Intent i = newIntent(MainActivity.this, InfoActivity.class);
startActivityForResult(i, 1);
and in infoactivity just call finish()
on button click do not start activity again.then you will get back to previous activity
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