Onclicklistener In Listview Populated With A Cursoradapter
I have a list view with 2 buttons on each row. I am using a cursoradpater to populate the list. I am also using the view holder pattern on newview() bindview(). My questions are: w
Solution 1:
You do not need the onListItemClick
You can try binding for each of your button an event in the adapter
finalButtonbutton= (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_id);
button.setOnClickListener(newView.OnClickListener() {
publicvoidonClick(View v) {
// Perform action on click
but probably this won't work on the list item, so you need a new aproach as is this described in the button documentation.
However, instead of applying an OnClickListener to the button in your activity, you can assign a method to your button in the XML layout, using the android:onClick attribute. For example:
android:onClick="selfDestruct" />
Now, when a user clicks the button, the Android system calls the activity's selfDestruct(View) method. In order for this to work, the method must be public and accept a View as its only parameter. For example:
publicvoidselfDestruct(View view) {
// Kabloey
The View passed into the method is a reference to the widget that was clicked.
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