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Noclassdeffounderrror With Google Drive

I've got a project which had Google Drive included and it was all working perfectly fine. Then I performed an upgrade of the Android SDK and Eclipse ADT Plugin and Google Drivie no

Solution 1:

Looks like you are importing multiple libraries defining class‌er. Look into Package Manager, under Android Private Libraries and try opening .jar files there. You will probably find this class in at least two of them (one of them might be something like google-api-client-android-1.13.2-beta.jar).

Try excluding one of the jar files from your build path. If you have no errors, you are done. If there are errors, try excluding the other jar file. If errors remain, you can try opening jar as zip and manually deleting the GoogleAccountManager.class file.

Solution 2:

Try going to Project -> Properties -> Order & Export and ensure Android Private Libraries are checked for your project and for all other library projects you are using.

Solution 3:

I have the same problem, and solved it now.

First I try to download the Dredit, and it works fine!! So I remove the google api from properties (properties->Java Build Path->Libraries). and copy the libs from Dredit. Guess what? the problem still exist.

So I do the following steps to rebuild whole project, and this problem has solved. Hope it can help you.

  1. Remove googe api and all related libs.
  2. Close this project
  3. Open the project folder and remove and hidden folder (start with .) and generated folder
  4. Re-include project again. And Copy the libs form Dredit

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