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Glideapp Not Found Using Libraryglidemodule (glide 4)

Using Glide 4 in combination with okhttp3 and a LibraryGlideModule: @GlideModule public final class MyGlideModule extends LibraryGlideModule { @Override public void regist

Solution 1:

Glide v4 uses an annotation processor to generate an API. This allows applications to extend Glide’s API and include components provided by integration libraries.

To generate the GlideApp api in your Android Project, do the following:

In your Android Studio:

  • Click on the "Build" menu
  • Click "Make Module " to generate the project-specific GlideApp Class.
  • If that doesn't work, rebuild the project using "Make Project"

Solution 2:

  1. You need to create a new class MyAppGlideModule and extend AppGlideModule to it.

Refer the code below:

import com.bumptech.glide.annotation.GlideModule;
import com.bumptech.glide.module.AppGlideModule;
// new since Glide v4@GlideModulepublicfinalclassMyAppGlideModuleextendsAppGlideModule {
    // leave empty for now
  1. Build -> Make Project

Solution 3:

You cannot use generated API (i.e. the GlideApp class) while using LibraryGlideModule. Reference:

"The generated API is only available for applications for now." (i.e. only available for AppGlideModule)

Solution 4:

If GlideAPP can't be generated

Attention: annotationProcessor com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.9.0

Must be with AppGlideModule Implementation class In the same module

enter image description here

Solution 5:

Another reason for the GlideApp class to not generate could be other errors in the project. So, if you've added the

annotationProcessor "com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:${rootProject.ext.glideVersion}"

dependency, and set up a class which extends AppGlideModule and annotated properly with @GlideModule, then make sure scroll down in the Build View in Android Studio and make sure there are no errors other than GlideApp not found.

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