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Avd Manager, Why Can't I Create An Avd?

For some reason, I cannot create an AVD. I went through AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device and attempted the solutions, and I also fiddled with the different settin

Solution 1:

For some reason, running the AVD via command line worked, but I couldn't check Use Host GPU. Thanks to Rusher who got this from . See Running Your App | Android Developers for instructions on running via command line:

From the command line, change directories to <sdk>/tools/ and execute:

android avd

In other words, typing this into command line should work:

cd whateverThePathToYourSDKIs/tools/

android avd

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You can only use either Snapshot or Host GPU.

Snapshot or Host GPU they can not be used simultaneously.

now try to start avd from avd manager.

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