Accessing Main Activity In Broadcast Reciever Without Using Intent
I am stuck in a problem. I have a broadcast receiver that calls the method of class takes in context and main activity reference in constructor. I dont know how to access main acti
Solution 1:
Try this hope it works:
in Main Activity:
publicclassMainActivityextendsActivity {
publicstatic MainActivity getInstance() {
returnnew MainActivity();
And in your receiver:
MainActivity reference=MainActivity.getInstance();
Solution 2:
I dont know how to access main activity in broadcast receiver
You don't. If this is a manifest-registered receiver, you may not have an instance of this activity, anyway.
Register the receiver from inside the
, viaregisterReceiver()
, in which case your nestedBroadcastReceiver
class can reference the outerActivity
instance, orUse an event bus (greenrobot's EventBus,
, etc.) to publish your event, and have your activity subscribe on that bus (if the activity happens to be around)
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