Copying Linkedhashset Content To New Arraylist?
I've a listView that has some content initially. If the same content it gets, i removed the duplication through linkedhashset. Now, i want copy the linkedhashset contents i.e witho
Solution 1:
The following line just inserts all the elements into the arraylist starting from the 0th index
And, the elements which were added using these lines were still present in the arraylist:
p.add(new Price("Banana", 60));
p.add(new Price("Apple", 80));
So, you should clear the array list before adding the items from the linkedhashset, in case you don't want the duplicates. i.e.
p.addAll(lhm); // and, at this point you don't need the index.
Solution 2:
See this full solution may be help you
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
publicclassLinkedHashSetToList {
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {
Set<String> lhs = newLinkedHashSet<String>();
//print linkedhashset
System.out.println("lhs is = "+lhs);
List<String> list = newArrayList<String>(lhs);
// print arraylist
System.out.println("ArrayList Is = "+list);
lhsis= [mumbai, delhi, kolkata, chandigarh, dehradun]
ArrayListIs= [mumbai, delhi, kolkata, chandigarh, dehradun]
Reference : How to Convert a LinkedHashSet to ArrayList
Solution 3:
A Set
will only ensure that its own elements are unique. You can't expect ArrayList
to exclude duplicates unless the entire collection is filtered through a set. For example:
p = newArrayList<String>(newHashSet<String>(p));
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