How To Place Pin Mark Image Over An Image In Android?
I am new to Android. I am developing a project where I will get the Radio signal values(I can get the values from API). I have a floor plan. The floor plan has kitchen,hall,bedroo
Solution 1:
One way to do this would be to use canvas.
@OverrideprotectedvoidonDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Bitmapmap= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;
canvas.drawBitmap(map, xPositionForMap, yPositionForMap, null);
Bitmapmarker= BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.marker);
canvas.drawBitmap(marker, xPositionFor1stMarker, yPositionFor1stMarker, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(marker, xPositionFor2ndMarker, yPositionFor2ndMarker, null);
Things drawn later in the onDraw appear on top of those drawn earlier. Probably the BitmapFactory.decodeResource should be in a create/init mat hod so they aren't called every time onDraw is called. See for more information.
For clicking on the pins you would catch clicks on the Layout containing the canvas and conditionally add extra drawables and text.
An alternative way is to use RelativeLayout and put ImageView, which would work similarly.
Solution 2:
Have a look on this library, may be this will help you ImageLayout
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