How To Launch A Notification In Conjunction With Alarmmanager?
Solution 1:
Create a broadcastreceiver or intentservice. Then...
AlarmManageralarmManager= (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Datedate=newDate(); //set this to some specific time
or Calendarcalendar= Calendar.getInstance();
//set either of these to the correct date and time.
//set this to intent to your IntentService or BroadcastReceiver//then...PendingIntentalarmSender= PendingIntent.getService(context, requestCode, intent,
//or use PendingIntent.getBroadcast if you're gonna use a broadcast
alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), mAlarmSender); // date.getTime to get millis if using Date directly.
If you'd like these alarms to work correctly even when the phone is restarted, then add:
as intentfilter on your Receiver in the manifest and recreate your alarms in onReceive.
When you create a BroadcastReceiver in your application, it allows to do exactly what it sounds like: receive broadcasts in the system. So for example, you might some BroadcastReceiver like so:
publicclassMyAwesomeBroadcastReceiverextendsBroadcastReceiver {
//since BroadcastReceiver is an abstract class, you must override the following:publicvoidonReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
//this method gets called when this class receives a broadcast
To send broadcasts to this class explicitly, you define the receiver inside of the manifest, as follows:
Having this in the manifest gets you two things: You can send a broadcast explicitly to your receiver whenever you want by
Also, since you've told android you'd like to receive the BOOT_COMPLETED action which is broadcast by the system, your receiver will also get called when that happens.
Solution 2:
Use AlarmManager is the best practice.
Solution 3:
Here is what you can do :
through yourAlarmManager's
pending intent and write yourNotification
code in that service.Use a database to store all your
and then reschedule them on device restart by usingBOOT_COMPLETED
Broadcast reciver
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