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How To Check For Phone Network On Android Devices

I know how to check if I have internet access (using the code from this post),but is it possible to check if a phone has telephone network access? For example someone might have a

Solution 1:

Sure would you not just use this: getNetworkType()

booleanhasNetwork= android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getNetworkType() != android.telephony.TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; 
// True if the phone is connected to some type of network i.e. has signal

Solution 2:

The above answer did not work for one of my app users - he was connected to the Network but his NetworkType was unknown. Screenshot:

I am instead checking for the NetworkOperator field. (From the first answer here What is the correct way of checking for mobile network available (no data connection))

publicstaticbooleanisMobileAvailable(Context acontext) {       
    TelephonyManagertel= (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);       
    return (tel.getNetworkOperator() != null && !tel.getNetworkOperator().equals(""));      

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