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Android : Network On Main Thread Exception Even When Using Asynctask

I am working on an Android project and for Login I am communicating with the server for authentication. Even though I am using AsyncTask, I am getting NetworkOnMain thread exceptio

Solution 1:


Call execute() to execute an async task on a background thread. Calling doInBackground() directly just runs the method on your current thread.

how can I get custom objects back as response from async task

Put the code that deals with async task results in onPostExecute(). It gets run on the UI thread.

Solution 2:

You are calling doInBackground form the UI therad! In order to start an AsyncTask you need to call execute. executeRestLogin.execute()


Dont forget conventions a class starts with an upper case.

Call execute on the AysnTask object will start the task. This tutorial will make it clearer.

Solution 3:

You should replace the doInBackground() by execute(). With that the code in doInBackground method will be executed in another thread.(you should not create a new thread, Android does it for you.)

Solution 4:

Change your code like:

privateclassExecuteRestLoginextendsAsyncTask<Void,Void,Boolean> {
 @OverrideprotectedBooleandoInBackground(Void... params) {
        HttpHeaders requestHeaders = newHttpHeaders();
        requestHeaders.add("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + StaticRestTemplate.jsessionid);
        HttpEntity<String> requestEntity = newHttpEntity<>(requestHeaders);

        HttpEntity<String> rssResponse =
        StaticRestTemplate.jsessionid = rssResponse.getBody();
        result = StaticRestTemplate.jsessionid; // result is a global String.returntrue;

 @OverrideprotectedvoidonPostExecute(final Boolean success) {
         if (success) {
            //You can use your result string now.

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