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Null Pointer Exception When Trying To Programmatically Perform Click On Non Visible Recycler View Item

I have a recycler view and I want to perform click on one of its items. Here is my code: mRecyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(2).itemView.performClick(); It works fine

Solution 1:

I have solved my problem with this code


            search_list.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {


There is a slight delay for the viewholder to be created. Thus if the item is clicked before viewholder is created an NPE would occur

Solution 2:

Unfortunately for you, this is working as intended. When a child View is scrolled out of the boundaries of a RecyclerView, the child View is often reused to display another item for another position in the list, hence you will get a null View for the position that is no longer displayed.

What you can do is implement a getItem() on the RecyclerView.Adapter to retrieve the item for that position. Not sure if that satisfies your requirements though.

Solution 3:

It is recommended to use a listener to wait for the drawing to complete, Then perform the operation you want.

    new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
        public void onGlobalLayout() {
            // At this point the layout is complete 

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