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Linearlayout Achartengine Chart Not Displaying In Scrollview

I'm trying to create an achartengine chart within a scrollview but it won't display! It just shows a black screen, but doesn't crash or anything. The thing is if I just change my

Solution 1:

Under the scrollview you have to insert


Solution 2:

You will also have to do the following call, otherwise there will be display issues:


Solution 3:

Other solution is to give a size for your LinearLayout @+id/trendchart:

for example:

<LinearLayoutandroid:id="@+id/trendchart"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="180dp"android:orientation="vertical" /></LinearLayout>

works fine for me.

Solution 4:

I've tried the accepted answers but none of them work for me. I solved my problem by adding

chartView.setLayoutParams(newLayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 500));

But don't use chartView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); because for some reason it still not displaying the chart. Hope that will help someone

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