Jcifs - Transfer A File Via Smb
I'm trying to move some files from a stored directory to a remote server 'BOB' using jcifs SMB. I need to use jcifs because the move comes via and Android app, I.E. I'm moving phot
Solution 1:
Where are you getting "SmbSession.logon()" from?
If you're talking about doing a krb5 style login, JCIFS doesn't support Kerberos. You wouldn't be able to do that anyway since Android is not joined to the domain (or maybe Android can, I don't know).
Regardless, you must simply use plaintext credentials. More specifically, create an NtlmPasswordAuthentication object with your domain / username / password and pass it to SmbFile (or presumably SmbFileOutputStream would be better - see examples/Put.java).
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