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Download Data When Internet Connectivity Is Detected

I want to download some data including json and image(binary data) whenever internet connectivity is available. I have a full working code which can do that. The problem is I have

Solution 1:

Which is the best practice to do so?

Best way is to use IntentService.

Start this service from your BroadcastReceiver. Via IntentService, all requests are handled on a single worker thread -- they may take as long as necessary (and will not block the application's main loop), so no worry about how long your task is.

Is broadcast receiver stays around even when application is not on?

Yes, if they are registered via manifest.

Helpful resources are

  1. Creating a Background Service
  2. IntentService Basics

Solution 2:

in the android developer guide mentioned you can Monitor for Changes in Connectivity

1st - you create a NetworkChangeReceiver class that is a BroadCastReceive , where you implement your code to download what you want :

publicclassNetworkChangeReceiverextendsBroadcastReceiver {

@OverridepublicvoidonReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {

    finalConnectivityManagerconnMgr= (ConnectivityManager) context

    finalNetworkInfowifi= connMgr

    NetworkInfoactiveNetwork= connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo(); 

    booleanisConnected= wifi != null &&   
                wifi.isConnected() ;

    if (isConnected ) {
        // Do something

        Log.d("Netowk Available ", "Flag No 1");

2nd - you register your BroadCastReceiver in the manifest file like the following :

<receiverandroid:name=".NetworkChangeReceiver" ><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="" /></intent-filter></receiver>

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