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Android Togglebutton Always Check

I want to store in SharedPreferences if the toggle button is Checked or uncheck. toggle.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener(){ public void onCheckedCha

Solution 1:

In the OnCheckedChangeListener, if the checkbox is checked, you save check = true. When loading, the if will always be true, since you are comparing the value to itself (or the default which you gave as true) so it checks the box.

If the checkbox is not checked, you save nocheck = false. When loading, there is no check preference (or it has the previously saved true value) so the default true is loaded.

Fixing your code:

Listener method body:

SharedPreferences.Editoreditor= getSharedPreferences("SharedPrefName", MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putBoolean("check", ischecked);

Loading code (replace the second snippet with this):

psw.setChecked(preferences.getBoolean("check", false));

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