Twitter4j Authentication Credentials Are Missing
Solution 1:
Problem is following lines.
You are passing the configuration to one TwitterFactory
instance and using another TwitterFactory
instance to get the Twitter
Hence, You are getting
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Authentication credentials are missing
I suggest you to modify your code as follows:
//Twitter Conf.ConfigurationBuildercb=newConfigurationBuilder();
Twittertwitter= tf.getInstance();
And use this twitter instance. It will work.
Solution 2:
I was having issues with the configuration on Twitter4j because I was not providing the right configuration. So in order to fix it, I created the following function to establish my configuration to later be used in another function:
publicstaticvoidmain(String args[])throws Exception {
ResponseList<Status> resList = impl.getUserTimeLine("spacex");
for (Status status : resList) {
System.out.println(status.getCreatedAt() + ": " + status.getText());
public ResponseList<Status> getUserTimeLine(String screenName)throws TwitterException {
Twittertwitter= twitterFactory.getInstance();
Pagingpaging=newPaging(1, 10);
return twitter.getUserTimeline(screenName, paging);
public ConfigurationBuilder getConfiguration() {
return cb;
To get the required info, you must have a Twitter developer account, and to get the auth info of an app previously created go to: Projects and Apps.
In the end, I was able to retrieve the data from a SpaceX account:
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